Update Intro to Psychology notes

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Emilio Soriano Chavez 2024-01-01 14:20:50 -06:00
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7 changed files with 156 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
> ### 001 - Perspectives in Psychology
> Class Notes
> Emilio Soriano Chávez
> ***
> <span style="color:#ff33a1">Introduction to Psychology</span>
> Spring 2019
- **Biological Perspective:**
- Seek relationships between the brain, hormones, heredity and evolution.
- Behavior and mental processes.

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@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
> ### 002 - How Psychologists Study Behavior
> Class Notes
> Emilio Soriano Chávez
> ***
> <span style="color:#ff33a1">Introduction to Psychology</span>
> Spring 2019
## Critical Thinking
- **Be Skeptical:** Keep an open mind. <u>Accept nothing as the truth until you have examined the evidence</u>.

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@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
> ### 003 - The Nervous System
> Class Notes
> Emilio Soriano Chávez
> ***
> <span style="color:#ff33a1">Introduction to Psychology</span>
> Spring 2019
# The Nervous System
- Scientists agree that <u>mind is a function of the brain</u>.
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# Neuroanatomy
- ** <p style="color:#1d3aa1;">Hindbrain:</p> ** Where the spinal cord rises to meet the brain. Composed of three main structures:
- ** <p style="color:#3a67ee;">Medulla:</p> **
- ** <span style="color:#1d3aa1">Hindbrain:</span> ** Where the spinal cord rises to meet the brain. Composed of three main structures:
- ** <span style="color:#3a67ee">Medulla:</span> **
- Many pathways pass through the medulla to connect the spinal cord to higher levels of the brain.
- <u>Regulates basic functions such as heartbeat, blood pressure, movement, and respiration</u>.
- Sleeping, sneezing, and coughing.
- ** <p style="color:#3a67ee;">Pons:</p> **
- ** <span style="color:#3a67ee">Pons:</span> **
- Latin word for *bridge*.
- Bundles of nerves pass through it.
- Transmits information about body movement.
- <u>Involved in attention, sleep-arousal, and respiration</u>.
- ** <p style="color:#3a67ee;">Cerebellum:</p> **
- ** <span style="color:#3a67ee">Cerebellum:</span> **
- Has two hemispheres that <u>maintain and control motor (muscle) behavior</u>.
- Involved in muscle coordination and balance.
- It's the key to organizing information that gets us to do things.

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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
> ### 004 - Sensation and Perception
> Class Notes
> Emilio Soriano Chávez
> ***
> <span style="color:#ff33a1">Introduction to Psychology</span>
> Spring 2019
**3.1 | Sensation and Perception**
- **<span style="color:#1ec8ff">Sensation:</span>** Stimulation of sensory receptors and transmission of sensory information to the Central Nervous System (spinal chord or brain).
- Receptors are located in sensory organs.
- <u>Automatic process</u>.
- Results from sources of energy (light, sound) or from the presence of chemicals (smell, taste).
- **<span style="color:#3e75ff">Perception:</span>** Process by which sensations are organized into an inner representation of the world.
- Not mechanical.
- <u>Active process</u>.
- May begin with sensation, but it also reflects our experiences and expectations.
- **<span style="color:#8a03fa">Absolute Thresholds:</span>** Minimal amount of energy that can produce a sensation.
- **<span style="color:#d844f2">Difference Threshold:</span>** How much of a difference in intensity between two stimulus is required to detect that difference.
- **<span style="color:#da0569">Subliminal Stimulation:</span>** Sensory stimulation that is below a person's absolute threshold for conscious perception.
- **<span style="color:#ff0000">Signal Detection Theory:</span>** 
- There are psychological factors that affect perception.
- <u>We tend to detect stimuli we are searching for</u>.
- The relationship between a physical stimulus and a sensory response is not fully mechanical. It also depends on:
- Learning
- Motivation
- Fatigue-alertness
- Focus
- **<span style="color:#ff8d00">Sensory Adaptation:</span>**
- We tend to become more sensitive to stimuli of low magnitude and less sensitive to stimuli that remain the same.
- **Desensitization / Negative Adaptation:** Process of becoming less sensitive to constant stimulation (example, background noise).
- **Sensitization / Positive Adaptation:** Process of becoming more sensitive to stimulation (example, light).
**3.2 | Vision**
- **<span style="color:#71f142">Visible Light:</span>** Part of the electromagnetic spectrum that stimulates the eye and produces visual sensations.
- Frequency determines hue.
- Amplitude determines brightness.
![[A001 - Visible Spectrum of Light.png | 600]]
- The eyes' photoreceptors convert light energy into nerve impulses that the brain can understand.
- **<span style="color:#1ec8ff">Color:</span>**
- Light is the source of all color.
- Wavelength determines color (or hue).
- **Value:** Degree of brightness or darkness.
- **Saturation:** Refers to how intense a color appears to us.
- Colors also have psychological associations within various cultural settings.
![[A002 - Color Meanings.png | 600]]
- **<span style="color:#3f75ff">Color Blindness:</span>**
- **Trichromats:** Normal color vision. Sensitive to red-green, blue-yellow, and light-dark.
- **Monochromats:** Sensitive only to lightness and darkness.
- **Dichromats:** Only discriminate between two colors (red-green or blue-yellow and derived).
- **<span style="color:#8800fa">Visual Perception:</span>** Process by which we <u>organize or make sense of the sensory impressions caused by the light that strikes our eyes</u>.
- Involves knowledge, expectations, and motivations.
- We organize bits of information into meaningful wholes by means of our general knowledge and the desire to fit incoming bits and pieces of information into familiar patterns.
- **<span style="color:#c104e3">Perceptual Organization:</span>** Tendency to integrate perceptual elements into meaningful patterns:
- **Closure:** Tendency to perceive a broken figure as being complete or whole.
- **Figure-Ground Perception:**
- **Proximity:** Tendency to group objects that are near one another.
- **Similarity:** Tendency to group objects that are similar in appearance.
- **Continuity:** Tendency to perceive a series of points or lines as having unity.
- **Common Fate:** Tendency to perceive elements that move together as belonging together.
**3.3 | Hearing**
- Sound or auditory stimulation is the vibration of molecules in a medium such as air or water.
- Sound waves can occur many times in one second. The human ear is sensitive to sound waves with frequencies from 20 to 20 000 cycles per second.
- Hearing is a mechanical sense.
- **<span style="color:#de1875">Frequency:</span>** Number of cycles per second. Measured in Hertz (Hz).
- **<span style="color:#ff0505">Pitch:</span>** Determined by frequency. The greater the number of cycles, the higher the pitch.
- Women's voices and violins have shorter vocal chords and strings than men's and viola's.
- There is a pitch detector in our brain.
- **<span style="color:#ff930d">Loudness:</span>** Depends on amplitude (height) of sound waves. Measured in decibels (dB).
**3.4 | Smell**
- Smell is a chemical sense.
- Contributes to the flavor of foods. If you did not have sense of smell, an onion and an apple might taste the same to you.
- **<span style="color:#59ee22">Odor:</span>** Sample of molecules of a substance in the air that trigger firing of receptor neurons in the olfactory membrane in each nostril. The receptor neurons transmit information about odors to the brain via the olfactory nerve.
**3.5 | Taste**
- Sensed trough taste cells (receptor neurons sensitive to taste located on taste buds).
- **<span style="color:#1ec8ff">Taste Buds:</span>** Organs for taste located mostly on the tongue.
- We have about 10 000 taste buds, most of them on the edges and back of the tongue and they react to certain tastes.
- **<span style="color:#3e75ff">Flavor:</span>** More complex than taste. Depends on odor, texture, temperature, and taste.

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
> ### 005 - Psychoneuroimmunology
> Class Notes
> Emilio Soriano Chávez
> ***
> <span style="color:#ff33a1">Introduction to Psychology</span>
> Spring 2019
- **<span style="color:#5cc4e8;">Psychoneuroimmunology:</span>** Addresses the relationship among physical factors, the nervous system, the endocrine system, the immune system, and disease.
- Research shows that stress suppresses the immune system.
**Stress Tip Sheet**
- Identify your sources of stress.
- Learn your own stress signals. Not everyone reacts the same way to stress.
- Recognize how you deal with stress.
- <span style="color:#345be8;">**Unhealthy Behaviors:</span>** Smoking, drinking alcohol, over- or underacting.
- Find healthy ways to manage stress.
- Meditation, exercising, talking with friend or family.
- Take care of yourself.
- Eat right. get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, engage in physical activity.
- Reach out for support.

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