Throughout the workshop, you will need to fill out the missing code in the scripts, marked as (...).
bigstatsR Package
Provides functions for fast statistical analysis of large-scale data encoded as matrices. The package can handle matrices that are too large to fit in memory thanks to memory-mapping to binary files on disk.
Reading Files with bigstatsR [1]
# Read only the first row of the file.# This allows us to obtain the number of columns.
first_row <- fread2("Test_Genotype_Data.csv",
nrows = 1)
col_num <- ncol(first_row)
# Read the entire file using big_read.
gen_data <- big_read("Test_Genotype_Data.csv", # Our large data file.
select = 1:col_num, # The number of columns we want to read.
backingfile = "Data", # Path to the backing file.
progress = TRUE, # Show progress.
type = "double") # Data type of the contents.
Reading Files with bigstatsR [2]
Our file will be read as a Filebacked Big Matrix (FBM).
After executing the code, we should see the following:
> gen_data
A Filebacked Big Matrix of type 'double' with 1000 rows and 1000 columns.
Be careful to remove the backing files before trying to re-read the same file.
Working with FBMs [1]
We can interact with FBMs in a similar manner as we do with normal dataframes.
# Examine the data.
gen_data[1:10, 1:10]
Working with FBMs [2]
Functions need to be applied differently.
Say we wanted to find out the number of missing values in our data.
The following approach does not work anymore:
# Will not work!sum(
Applying Functions [1]
In order for the function to be applied, we need to define it separately and use big_apply.
Our function must take the following as arguments:
An FBM object: X
A vector of indices: ind
# Function for checking the number of missing values in the dataframe.
check_na <- function(X, ind) {
sum([, ind]))
big_apply will take care of splitting our data into subsets, applying our function to each subset, and combining the results.
Applying Functions [2]
Now, we can find the number of missing values in our dataset.
# Check how many missing values we have.
big_apply(gen_data, # FBM to which we want to apply the function.
a.FUN = check_na, # The function that we want to apply.
a.combine = "+", # How the results of each subset should be combined.
ncores = 2) # Number of CPU cores to use.
Applying Functions [3]
If we really want to, we can manually create subsets and apply functions using a for loop.
First, we must get the indices for each subset:
# Subset the dataframe into sets of 100 columns.
sub_idx <- split(1:col_num, ceiling(seq_along(1:col_num) / 100))
Applying Functions [4]
Now, we can extract our subsets and apply our function:
for (i in1:length(sub_idx)) {
# Display current subset being evaluated.
# Get the Genotype Data for the current subset.
gen_subset <- gen_data[, sub_idx[[i]]]
# Impute missing data using KNN clustering.
gen_imputed <- round(
t(impute::impute.knn(t(gen_subset), k = 50, rowmax = 1, colmax = 1)$data), 0)
# "Write back" imputed data to the FBM.
gen_data[, sub_idx[[i]]] <- gen_imputed
Applying Functions [5]
Check that the impute function worked:
# Now, verify there are no missing values anymore.
a.FUN = check_na,
a.combine = "+",
ncores = 2)
Saving FBMs
How do we save our modified data back to a .csv file? Easy, use big_write:
# Write the newly-imputed data to a new file.
big_write(gen_data, # Our FBM object."Test_Genotype_Data_Imputed.csv", # Name of the file.
every_nrow = 100, # How many rows do we want to save at once.
progress = interactive()) # Show a fancy progress bar.
Removing Backing Files
big_read will create backing files that are of no use after we saved our file.
Short for Classification And REgression Training. It is a set of functions that attempt to streamline the process for creating predictive models. The package started off as a way to provide a uniform interface for modeling functions, as well as a way to standardize common tasks (such parameter tuning and variable importance).
## Data Loading [Predictors]# Genotype Data
gen_path <- "Test_Genotype_Data_Imputed.csv"
gen_data <- fread(gen_path, sep = ",", header = FALSE)
Let's load our Phenotype Data as well:
## Data Loading [Traits]# Phenotype Data
phn_path <- "Test_Phenotype_Data.csv"
phn_data <- fread(phn_path, sep = ",", header = FALSE)
Data Overview
Our Genotype Data is a large matrix of 0s and 1s:
# Preview of Genotype Data.
gen_data[1:10, 1:10]
Our Phenotype Data, which we want to predict, is a single column of Plant Height (cm) measurements:
# Preview of Phenotype Data.
phn_data[1:10, 1]
The createDataPartition Function [1]
We can easily split our data into training and testing sets as follows:
# We want 80% of our data for training and 20% for testing.# Get the indices for the rows to be used in the training data.
train_index <- createDataPartition(
phn_data$V1, # Our Phenotype Data.
p = 0.8, # Percentage of data to be used for training.list = FALSE) # To return a matrix instead of a list.# Check out which rows will be used for training.
The createDataPartition Function [2]
Now that we know which indices will be used for training, we can extract the corresponding data:
# The values used as predictors [x].
x_train <- gen_data[train_index,]
x_test <- gen_data[-train_index,]
# The values to be predicted [y].
y_train <- phn_data[train_index,]
y_test <- phn_data[-train_index,]
Model Training and Tuning [1]
Fits generalized linear and similar models via penalized maximum likelihood. The regularization path is computed for the lasso or elastic net penalty at a grid of values (on the log scale) for the regularization parameter lambda.
We can perform this tuning automatically with caret. Let's first create a custom parameter grid:
# Define a custom tuning grid.
tune_grid <- expand.grid(alpha = seq(0.0001, 1, length = 5), # Values to try for "alpha".
lambda = 5) # Values to try for "lambda".
Model Training and Tuning [2]
The trainControl function allows us to further customize how our model is made:
# Parameter tuning.
param_tune <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", # Method to be used for resampling.
number = 2, # Numebr of folds (subsets) for cross-validation.
repeats = 5, # Number of iterations for cross-validation.
trim = TRUE, # Reduces memory consumption.
search = "grid", # How the tuning grid should be made.
verboseIter = TRUE) # To display additional information.
Other methods are available, such as a single cross-validation (cv), a leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV), or none, which will only train a single model.
It is also possible to specify a random tuning grid.
Model Training and Tuning [3]
Now, we can finally train our model:
# Train a model.
glmnet_model <- train(x_train, # Our predictors.
y_train$V1, # What we want to predict.
method = "glmnet", # The model we want to use.
metric = "MAE", # What metric should we use to pick the best model.
tuneGrid = tune_grid, # Our custom tuning grid.
trControl = param_tune) # Our custom tuning method.
Model Evaluation [1]
> glmnet
800 samples
1000 predictors
No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (2 fold, repeated 5 times)
Summary of sample sizes: 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, ...
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
alpha RMSE Rsquared MAE
Tuning parameter 'lambda' was held constant at a value of 5
MAE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were alpha = 1 and lambda = 5.